Well, here I am again. Staring at my screen trying to decide how best to share what I know with the Interwebs.
In 2003 I started playing with Content Management Systems like Drupal, WordPress, Mambo (now known as Joomla), and a few others. I created a personal blog site I called **Grover Ponders** and shared my discoveries as I travelled through the infinite maze of technology. I had some decent how-to articles there, and some totally off the wall ramblings. But I had fun and at least a few people appreciated my posts.
Over time my interests and responsibilities changed and blogging became less of a concern for me. I maintained the site for some time, but added no new content. Then approx 5 years later I finally shut down Grover Ponders. Instead I focused on a very basic brochure site for my consulting endeavours. That too eventually waned and my online “presence” became stagnant as my life took me in other directions.
In 2017 I found a need to demonstrate that I actually had some skills in web application development, so I fired up Ghost and did some articles about Docker, PHP, Laravel, Node, and other similar tech topics. The topics I covered and the fact that I could get the site up and running on my own servers helped me acquire a position I was seeking at the time. That position demanded much of my time though, and again my ability to keep blogging became difficult. _That_ site too became stagnant and I eventually replaced it with a placeholder when I moved my cloud servers.
That brings us to today. In the past two years I’ve shifted from PHP to Node.js as my development platform of choice. To do so, I have leaned heavily on various online resources, IRC channels, and in a few specific individuals. I want to honour this wealth of knowledge by contributing back to it in my own small way.
So, I am starting anew with the knowledge posts. I will add posts here as I discover new things, or develop a technique I think could use more documentation. I will not be tied to any specific topic — other than in a very general “software development” sense. We will cover server setup, language specifics, database tricks, dirty hacks, and much more.
There are more than enough resources on the Web to cover the “getting started” topics. I’ll try to keep my posts targeted at those who already have the basics down then. That still leaves a great deal I can write about though.
Let the adventures begin (again).